The King Of Cones - Bryan Gerber, Co-founder & CEO of Hemper

Vangst/Apr 03, 2024

hero-graphic-The King Of Cones - Bryan Gerber, Co-founder & CEO of Hemper

Get ready to roll into the world of cannabis entrepreneurship with the latest podcast episode! Vangst was offered an exclusive sit-down with none other than the King of Cones himself, Bryan Gerber, co-founder and CEO of Hemper and Hara Supply.

Hemper’s History

Bryan's journey into the subscription box business began when he was just 23 years old. Instead of pursuing traditional internships or corporate jobs, he convinced his roommates to start a subscription box for smoking accessories. In 2015, the subscription economy was booming, with companies like Birchbox and Dollar Shave Club making headlines for their success. Bryan saw an opportunity to create a Birchbox for stoners, catering to a niche market of cannabis enthusiasts.

The initial concept of Hemper was to offer a curated selection of smoking accessories in a monthly subscription box. The company gained traction quickly, with hundreds of subscribers within the first few months. Bryan's innovative idea to introduce a guest-curated concept, where celebrities would select the items for a month, further boosted the subscription box's popularity. By the end of the first year, Hemper had over 2,000 subscribers, and today, they have grown to 30,000 subscribers.


Hemper's ability to adapt to changing market trends and consumer preferences has been crucial in their success. Bryan mentions how the vape crisis and COVID-19 pandemic actually benefited their business, as it led to a shift in consumer behavior towards pre-rolls and increased demand for their products. This ability to pivot and capitalize on changing market conditions showcases Hemper's agility and willingness to innovate in order to meet the needs of their customers.

Innovation in Product Development

Additionally, Hemper's focus on product development and creating unique, high-quality products for their consumers has set them apart in the industry. Bryan mentions their collaboration with Fred Segal and their expansion into Europe as examples of Hemper's commitment to creating products that enhance the consumer experience and cater to different markets.

Continuing Success

Bryan's advice to his past self about avoiding shiny object syndrome and staying focused on the core plan highlights the importance of strategic decision-making and staying true to the company's vision. By constantly reinventing themselves and exploring new revenue streams, Hemper has been able to sustain growth and remain competitive in the market.

Overall, Hemper's journey serves as a testament to the power of adaptability, innovation, and industry knowledge in driving business success. By staying true to their vision, embracing change, and prioritizing product development, Hemper has positioned itself as a leader in the cannabis industry and is poised for continued growth and success in the future.

In Conclusion

It was an insightful conversation with Bryan Gerber, who has not only shaped his company but also the cannabis accessory industry. Stay tuned for more inspiring stories from the cannabis industry on the Proud to Work in Cannabis podcast.

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